Contract Logistics

Contract Logistics

Getting your goods to market on time, in the right quantities, and in good shape, is a complex business. Golden Anchor specialized contract logistics and value-added services can take the strain of the multi-faceted operation for you, with full supply chain visibility freeing you up to focus on your core business. With warehouse facility in and out Dubai free zone.

Contract Logistics Benefits

  • Increased efficiencies
  • Lower costs
  • Higher production rates
  • Better inventory control
  • Improved warehousing utilization

Let's start a conversation

We are here and ready to help you to achieve your business needs. Let’s start a conversation today.

Abdul Rahman Al Dahman

General Manager

+971 4 887 0180

+971 56 734 7663

P.O. Box 262993

Sufiyan Khan

Sales Representative

+971 4 887 0180

+971 50 219 8654

P.O. Box 262993